Welcome to The Human Analytics Project
Most of us are interested in understanding human psychology and how it plays out in social issues, but we don’t always have access to the research that underpins the headlines and so can’t ask the most important questions. The purpose of our project is to summarise and interpret the evidence so that you can build your understanding of these issues and feel equipped to ask the important questions.
We believe that you want to embrace complexity, that you are curious, want to discover and understand more about how we humans work. We are more interested in the things that connect us than divide us and we want to inform your thinking about contemporary issues and challenges.
We live in a world that is becoming increasingly fractured and divided by misinformation, disinformation and easy soundbites; we will give you the precis version of the deep dive into important issues as well as additional posts to raise questions and provoke discussion about related challenges.
We aim to be objective and balanced, but we can’t promise to remain neutral. We recognize that we bring our own worldview, values and beliefs to our analyses and so we will be open with you about how we believe that these have influenced our thinking.
In short, we want to inform, inspire and provoke.
Listen below to find out more about our motives and aspirations for the Human Analytics Project
narcissism in practice
Examining the state of research into the concept of narcissism, the evidence for what it is and how and when it might be considered productive and useful, and when it might be more harmful or dangerous.
can you Think yourself well?
In a series of long and short reads looking at aspects of wellbeing, we address topical questions such as the effectiveness of talking therapies and how to build your resilience.
The notion of unconscious bias has never been more relevant. We discuss what it is, why it matters and whether and how it can be mitigated.